50th National Congress O.T.O.D.I.
Mikai will participate at the 50th National Congress O.T.O.D.I.
SORRENTO – 23/24 May 2019
Mikai will participate at the 50th National Congress O.T.O.D.I.
SORRENTO – 23/24 May 2019
Mikai participated with an own stand at the 56th National Congress SICM
Pordenone, 4/6 October 2018
Mikai participated with an own stand at the fourteenth Edition of the SICSeG National Congress.
Bologna, 24/26 May 2018
Mikai participated with an own stand at the “AITOG National Congress”.
Foggia, 11/12 May 2018
Mikai participated with an own stand at the 49° congress O.T.O.D.I.
Verona, 17/18 May 2018.
Mikai participated with an own stand at the SIFE National Congress.
Milano, 3/4 May 2018