On April 1 and 2, 2016 and in collaboration with the Istituto Codivilla Putti in Cortina, Mikai organized a Congress called: the treatment of large losses of septic substances. Nationally known guests have debated about the diagnosis and treatment of bone infections.
The Putti Institute is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of bone infections and they wanted to continue a scientific dialogue about this difficult treatment. Septic bone pathology has now reached such levels that it is invading all orthopedic structures and is becoming one of the biggest problems that torment this specialty. Tackling these diseases is increasingly complex and difficult, as both social and economic costs are increasingly high.
Based on these assumptions Dr. Ferdinando Da Rin de Lorenzo, President of the Congress, wanted to make a “consensus conference” on the treatment of large septic matter losses, setting a minimal outline of the surgical approach and bringing together some of the leading experts on the subject. The meeting was organized to create an exchange of ideas and opinions among experts of pathology and giving ample time to the comparison.